Douglas Addy | .... | lighting and compositing technical director |
Rose Adler | .... | compositor: With A Twist Studio |
Laide Agunbiade | .... | senior lighting technical director |
Stuart Allan | .... | previsualization artist |
Nick Irving Allen | .... | visual effects set production assistant |
George Antzoulides | .... | previsualization artist |
Eric Armstrong | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Oliver Arnold | .... | division visual effects producer |
Ando Avila | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Uli Baier | .... | cgfx trainee: Pixomondo |
Louise Baker | .... | previs supervisor: Proof Inc. |
Sandesh Balachandra | .... | visual effects artist |
Patrick Ballin | .... | visual effects editor: SPI |
Andrzej Bandurski | .... | cgfx artist: Pixomondo |
Zheng Bao | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Wesley Barker | .... | visual effects |
Shawn Barnett | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Basel Bazlamit | .... | digital artist |
Basel Bazlamit | .... | layout artist |
Basel Bazlamit | .... | modeler: previz |
Dara Bedick | .... | roto/paint artist: Pixomondo |
Laurent Ben-Mimoun | .... | digital matte painter |
Theodore Bialek | .... | cg supervisor: SPI |
Brian Blasiak | .... | senior lighting and compositing technical director |
Brendan Body | .... | animator |
Michael Bovberg | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Chris Bowers | .... | previsualization artist |
John Bowers | .... | compositing supervisor: With A Twist Studio |
Nathan Boyd | .... | texture painter |
Colin Brady | .... | division animation director: Pixomondo |
Rob Bredow | .... | senior staff |
Thomas Bremer | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Jared Brient | .... | lighting technical director: SPI |
Matthew Douglas Brown | .... | lead production services technician |
John Brubaker | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Andreas Bundenthal | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
John Bunt | .... | layout artist |
Freddy Burgos | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
David Burton | .... | visual effects supervisor: With A Twist Studio |
Sebastian Butenberg | .... | animation supervisor: Pixomondo |
Dan Camp | .... | simulation td |
Ben Campanaro | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Yingchun Cao | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Tom Cardenas | .... | 3d scanning consultant |
Curtis Carlson | .... | digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Taide Carpenter | .... | associate production manager |
Steve Casa | .... | 3d scan technician |
Brandon Castor | .... | motion capture pre-production coordinator |
Stephen Castor | .... | motion capture pre-production supervisor |
Irfan Celik | .... | division lead lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Chandrasekhar | .... | digital artist |
John Abraham Chempil | .... | visual effects artist |
Jerome Chen | .... | visual effects supervisor |
Zhongwei Chen | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Karen Cheng | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Yong Cheng | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Eddie Chew | .... | senior animator |
Wally Chin | .... | roto/paint artist: Pixomondo |
Jeff Chung | .... | senior technical director: lighting |
Joseph Civitate | .... | previs artist |
Genevieve Claire | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Tim Coleman | .... | character setup |
Charles Collyer | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Stefaan Contreras | .... | character pipeline technical director |
Simon Corbaux | .... | simulation td |
Bertrand Cordier | .... | lead lighting technical director: SPI |
Dan Cortez | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Trea Cotton | .... | paint artist: Pixomondo |
Eric Covello | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Doug Cram | .... | digital compositor |
Brian Crosbie | .... | visual effects production assistant |
Rocky Curby | .... | previs artist |
Lisa Curtis | .... | senior production services technician |
Camila Davila | .... | texture painter |
Gilbert Dawson-Kesson | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Colin de Andrade | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Marcos De Barros | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Lisa Deaner | .... | senior compositing artist |
Yoshi DeHerrera | .... | lidar & prop scanning |
Sep Dehpour | .... | nuke technical director |
Christian Deiß | .... | vfx td: Pixomondo |
Andy Delia | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Danielle DiMarco Barto | .... | visual effects coordinator |
John Dinh | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Matthew G. Donnan | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Linda Drake | .... | visual effects editor |
Michael Jadan Duffin | .... | compositor |
Theresa Ellis | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Firat Enderoglu | .... | pipeline supervisor |
Rob Engle | .... | 3D supervisor |
Derek Esparza | .... | animator |
Maeve Eydmann | .... | matchmove td: Pixomondo |
Lawrence Fagan | .... | spydercam flight control |
Devin Fairbairn | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Rich Fallat | .... | senior texture painter: SPI |
Dean Faulder | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Chad Finnerty | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Felix Fissel | .... | it manager: Pixomondo |
Larkin Flynn | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Chun Wai Adam Fok | .... | modeler/rigging artist: Pixomondo |
David Fonseca | .... | matte painter: Pixomondo |
Lianne Forbes | .... | division matchmove supervisor: Pixomondo |
Brian Fortune | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Adam Francis | .... | motion control technician |
Melissa Franco | .... | visual effects production assistant |
Florian Franke | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Jordan Freda | .... | visual effects producer: The Base Studio |
Thomas H. Frederick | .... | mocap camera operator: Digital Domain |
Florian Friedmann | .... | rigger: Pixomondo |
Evan Fulton | .... | visual effects production assistant |
Bradley Gaines | .... | compositor: With A Twist Studio |
Toby Gaines | .... | digital artist |
Micah Gallagher | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Matthaeus Gamroth | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Dawn Gates | .... | roto/paint artist: Pixomondo (as Dawn Wells) |
Sabrina Gerhardt | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Maria Giannakouros | .... | effects technical director: SPI |
Ryan Gilleland | .... | digital production manager |
Jason Gottlieb | .... | digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Jon Gourley | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Robin Scott Graham | .... | compositing supervisor: Pixomondo |
Sarah Grieshammer | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Sarah Brooke Grossmann | .... | division lead compositor: Pixomondo (as Sarah Grossmann) |
Divya Gupta | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Chrissy Habblett | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Jennifer Hachigian | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Martin Hall | .... | division lead compositor: Pixomondo |
Thierry Hamel | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Matt Hammarlund | .... | lighting artist: With A Twist Studio |
Pam Hammarlund | .... | division visual effects producer: With A Twist Studio |
Brian Hanable | .... | senior digital compositor: SPI |
Eric Hance | .... | division cg supervisor: Pixomondo |
Brandy Handelman | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Steven Hansen | .... | lead matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Christopher Hartt | .... | visual effects artist |
Daniel Hayes | .... | lighting technical director |
Wenyi He | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Kimberly Headstrom | .... | digital paint/rotoscope lead: SPI |
Luke Heathcock | .... | lighting artist |
Tom Heddell | .... | digital compositor |
Benjamin Hendricks | .... | stereographic supervisor: SPI |
Alex Henning | .... | consulting visual effects supervisor: Pixomondo |
Yasemin Hepguler | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Josh Herman | .... | digital sculptor |
Patrick Heumann | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Earl A. Hibbert | .... | senior previz artist |
Emiko Hikita | .... | roto/paint artist: Pixomondo |
Isaac Hingley | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
David Hipp | .... | visual effects artist |
Brian Holmes | .... | systems administrator: Pixomondo |
Paul Hormis | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Duff Chung-Pu Hsiao | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Xiaoyong Hu | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Chris Hung | .... | senior technical director |
Hansoo Im | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Joni Jacobson | .... | visual effects executive producer: Pixomondo |
Andrea Jamiel | .... | render wrangler: Pixomondo |
Leo Jia | .... | texture artist: Pixomondo |
David Jones | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Joseph Jones | .... | previsualization artist |
Vanja Jozinovic | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Martin Jurado | .... | division lead matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Kareem K.H. | .... | digital compositor |
Veronica Kablan | .... | visual effects production assistant |
Joey Kadin | .... | resource specialist |
Perry Kain | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Chelsea Kammeyer | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Dan Katcher | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Miku Kayama | .... | senior lighting and compositing technical director |
James Kells | .... | compositor: With A Twist Studio |
Farid Khadiri-Yazami | .... | senior technical director: lighting & compositing |
Val Kharitonashvili | .... | digital effects |
Marvin Kim | .... | modeling supervisor |
Seunghyuk Kim | .... | senior effects technical director |
Tricia Kim | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Paul King | .... | division digital production manager: Pixomondo |
James G.H. Knight | .... | motion capture supervisor |
Kevin Kolodinsky | .... | title designer |
Kevin Kolodinsky | .... | visual effects supervisor |
Christian Korneck | .... | systems administrator: Pixomondo |
Michael Kowalski | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Sebastian Kral | .... | systems administrator: Pixomondo |
Slav Kravchenko | .... | texture artist: Pixomondo |
Daniel Kruse | .... | lighting technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Norman Krüsmann | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Craig Kuehne | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
E. Suresh Kumar | .... | matchmove lead |
Aaron Kupferman | .... | compositing lead: SPI |
James Kuroda | .... | compositing supervisor: Method Studios |
Louisa Kwan | .... | digital production manager |
Claudia Lachnitt | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Dax LaFleur | .... | visual effects artist |
Adam Lagattuta | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Billy-Vu Lam | .... | character animator |
Lea Lambert | .... | digital production manager |
Michael Lankes | .... | division compositing supervisor: Pixomondo |
Sebastian Lauer | .... | cg artist: Pixomondo |
Zubair Lawrence | .... | senior production services technician |
Kurt Lawson | .... | digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
In Soo Lee | .... | simulation td |
Marvin Lee | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Richard S. Lee | .... | matte painter: Pixomondo |
Eric Levin-Hatz | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Justin Lewers | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Jing Li | .... | division vfx producer: Pixomondo |
Ruibo Li | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Kai Lin | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Heng Liu | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Sunyan Liu | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Cedric Lo | .... | senior animator: SPI Vancouver |
Nathan Longest | .... | senior production services technician |
George Longo | .... | modeler: Imageworks |
Sean Looper | .... | software engineer: SPI |
Justin Louis | .... | layout artist: Sony Imageworks |
Josh Loveman | .... | motion capture pre-production coordinator |
Chenchen Ma | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Ben Mackey | .... | systems administrator: Pixomondo |
Igor Majdandzic | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Christoph Malessa | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
John Mangia | .... | digital compositor: SPI |
Jatinder Singh Manhas | .... | visual effects artist |
Sven Martin | .... | division visual effects supervisor: Pixomondo |
Wendy Mashburn | .... | digital production management: SPI |
Shawn Mason | .... | senior compositor: SPI |
Dale Matasovsky | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Dirk Matzkuhn | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Hnedel Maximore | .... | cg artist: Pixomondo |
Heather McAuliff | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Steve McLafferty | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Ray McMaster | .... | visual effects artist |
Dominic Menegon | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Laura M. Meredith | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Chris Messineo | .... | visual effects artist |
Rob Meyers | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Daniel Midgley | .... | coordinator: Pixomondo |
Zach Miller | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Toshiko Miura | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Chris F. Moore | .... | visual effects |
Sarah Moore | .... | look dev, lighting & compositing: SPI |
Aleksi Moriarty | .... | r&d: Pixomondo |
Mohsen Mousavi | .... | division visual effects supervisor: Pixomondo |
Frank Mueller | .... | character setup lead |
Gautama Murcho | .... | digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Guy A. Mussori | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Axel Mähler | .... | rigger: Pixomondo |
Dominik Müller | .... | matchmove trainee: Pixomondo |
Hee-Chel Nam | .... | digital texture artist: SPI |
Daniel Naulin | .... | visual effects artist |
Matt Neapolitan | .... | previs artist |
Julia Neighly | .... | visual effects producer: Method Studios |
Jarrod Nesbit | .... | digital production manager |
Adrian Neub | .... | division it manager: Pixomondo |
Christine Neumann | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Giang T. Nguyen | .... | cg artist: Pixomondo |
Vinh Nguyen | .... | senior compositor |
Alex Nice | .... | matte painter: Pixomondo |
Lukas Niklaus | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Travis Nobles | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
John Norris | .... | visual effects business affairs |
Jordan Nounnan | .... | previsualization animator: Proof |
Alex Oddbratt | .... | FX TD: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Silam Oezkaya | .... | global talent manager: Pixomondo |
Viktorija Ogureckaja | .... | division line producer: Pixomondo |
Mihaela Orzea | .... | division compositing supervisor: Pixomondo |
Siegfried Ostertag | .... | senior visual effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Tyler Ott | .... | data wrangler |
Shalena Oxley-Butler | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Natasha Ozoux | .... | visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Khaled Pamir | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Hyejin Park | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
James Park | .... | lighting technical director |
Taehyun Park | .... | modeler |
Saku Partamies | .... | division visual effects supervisor: Pixomondo |
Justin Pascal | .... | roto/paint artist: Pixomondo |
Cara Paul | .... | senior lighting and compositing technical director |
Kaitlyn Peplow | .... | simulation td |
Benjamin T. Perkins | .... | digital compositor |
Betsy Peters | .... | compositor: With A Twist Studio |
Katrissa 'Kat' Peterson | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Joseph Vincent Pike | .... | compositing technical director: SPI |
Eric Provan | .... | character modeler |
Stephen W. Pugh | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Christian Pundschus | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Franzisca Puppe | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
The-Hung Quach | .... | matte painter |
Zhennan Quan | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Mahmoud Rahnama | .... | division cg supervisor: Pixomondo |
Sandesh Ramdev | .... | digital compositor |
Lance Ranzer | .... | roto/paint supervisor: Pixomondo |
Gary Roberts | .... | virtual production supervisor |
Duncan Rochfort | .... | i/o: Pixomondo |
Bill Rodgers | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Michael Ross-Lang | .... | matchmover |
Michael Ross-Lang | .... | senior stereoscopic compositor |
Anthony Ruey | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Edward M. Ruiz II | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Jim Rygiel | .... | visual effects supervisor |
Avi Salem | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Balachandra Sandesh | .... | visual effects artist |
Atsushi Sato | .... | senior character animator |
Ozen Sayidof | .... | senior visual effects coordinator |
Marlies Schacherl | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Kai Schadwinkel | .... | cg artist: Pixomondo |
Jeremy Schichtel | .... | motion capture technical director: Digital Domain |
Boris Schmidt | .... | visual effects supervisor: Pixomondo |
Crystle Schrecengost | .... | roto/paint artist: Pixomondo |
Patrick Schuler | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Tom Schultz | .... | stereo matchmove lead: SPI |
Sebastian Schäfer | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Alexandre Scott | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Matt Scott | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Todd Semmes | .... | spydercam coordinator/rigging |
Rommel Shamoun | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Jeff Shapiro | .... | visual effects accountant |
Praylin Paulraj Shinijah | .... | paint artist: imageworks india |
Jason Shulman | .... | concept artist/animator: Pixomondo |
Peter Sidoriak | .... | digital compositor: SPI |
Jennifer Silver | .... | visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Keith D. Simpson | .... | roto/paint supervisor: The Base Studio |
Parteek Singh | .... | visual effects artist |
Sven Skoczylas | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Brian A. Smeets | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Dane Allan Smith | .... | visual effects producer |
David A. Smith | .... | digital effects supervisor: SPI |
Kurt Smith | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Ryan T. Smolarek | .... | senior digital compositor: SPI |
Shawn Smolensky | .... | visual effects production assistant |
Sharmishtha Sohoni | .... | senior lighting & compositing technical director: SPI |
Somboun Souannhaphanh | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Nick Starcevic | .... | animator: SPI |
Gareth Stevenson | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Scott Steyns | .... | graphics and animation |
Steve Stickel | .... | r&d: With A Twist Studio |
Sung Wook Su | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Frank Synowicz | .... | compositor: With A Twist Studio |
Emerick Tackett | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Ranko Tadic | .... | previsualization animator: Proof |
Kaz Tanaka | .... | color scientist |
Kaz Tanaka | .... | development specialist |
Marcus Taormina | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Paul Taylor | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Jon Teer | .... | previsualization designer: Proof Inc. |
Ari Teger | .... | previs animator |
Rodrigo Teixeira | .... | layout lead: Pixomondo |
Cari Thomas | .... | visual effects producer |
Gavyn Thompson | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Ricardo Tobon | .... | motion capture specialist |
Miles Todorof | .... | effects technical director |
Le Joyce Tong | .... | effects technical director |
Phi Tran | .... | lighting artist: Pixomondo |
Tong Tran | .... | cg artist: Pixomondo |
Ryan Trenhaile | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Ryan Trippensee | .... | digital compositor |
Chris W. Tucker | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Andrew Turner | .... | visual effects coordinator |
Max Tyrie | .... | animation lead |
Jason Ullrich | .... | compositor: With A Twist Studio |
Dirk Valk | .... | animator: Pixomondo |
Rickey Verma | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Leo Vezzali | .... | lead Mistika artist |
Leo Vezzali | .... | native stereo optimization |
Roger Vizard | .... | animator: SPI |
Chris Waegner | .... | cg supervisor |
Nancey S. Wallis | .... | senior digital compositor: SPI |
Michael M. Walsh | .... | layout artist |
April Warren | .... | virtual production lab supervisor |
Adam Watkins | .... | cg supervisor: Pixomondo |
Susan M. Weeks | .... | senior compositor |
Henry Weickert | .... | r&d: Pixomondo |
Johannes Weiss | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Chris Wells | .... | digital effects |
Bob Wiatr | .... | senior digital compositor: SPI |
Dustin Wicke | .... | cloth & hair lead |
Shane Christopher Wicklund | .... | digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
David Wiezer | .... | digital artist |
Kevin J. Williams | .... | previz artist |
Eric Wilson | .... | senior technical director |
Stephen Winters | .... | lead production services technician |
Patrik Witzmann | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Sascha Wolf | .... | visual effects editor: Pixomondo |
Jeff Wolverton | .... | visual effects artist |
Amy W. Wong | .... | compositor: SPI |
Gavin Wright | .... | previs supervisor: Proof Inc. |
Tzuen Wu | .... | compositing td: Pixomondo |
Shanshan Xie | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Runlin Xiong | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Tou Yeng Xiong | .... | rotomation artist |
David Xu | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Tolga Yalkir | .... | systems administrator: Pixomondo |
Mingzhe Yang | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Roland Yepez | .... | senior character animator: Sony Pictures Imageworks |
Teru Yoshida | .... | look development |
Teru Yoshida | .... | senior color and lighting technical director |
Sarah Yunrong Yu | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Alex Zemke | .... | visual effects artist |
Tristan Zerafa | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Momo Zhan | .... | visual effects coordinator: Pixomondo |
Gwen Zhang | .... | compositor: Pixomondo |
Peng Zhang | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Wei Zhang | .... | division lead matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Zihao Zhang | .... | matchmove artist: Pixomondo |
Justin Zhu | .... | modeler: Pixomondo |
Pedram Ziaei | .... | compositor |
Christoph Zollinger | .... | division visual effects producer: Pixomondo |
Christian Zurcher | .... | fx artist: Pixomondo |
Gereon Zwosta | .... | lighting/shading artist: Pixomondo |
Anthony Barcelo | .... | compositor (uncredited) |
Brandon Bartlett | .... | division CG supervisor: With A Twist Studio (uncredited) |
Diganta Saha | .... | systems administrator: Prologue (uncredited) |
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